Wednesday, July 4, 2012

hearts, hands and cake at Crabbush Primary

The journey of the Live Your Best Life cake continues! Yesterday we went with some of the MylifE team to Crabbush Primary School in Hogsback, where the principal and some of his dedicated staff and children attended the celebration during the school holidays.

The children of Crabbush Primary eagerly awaiting the arrival of the cake

It was a blessing to be able to share this cake with these children at this time because it allowed us to officially dedicate the collective energy of MylifE and Heart Space Hogsback to the school with some added beauty and thanksgiving. 

While the staff of the school are beyond dedicated (some working without pay for months) the school is in need of assistance. The blessing is that pro-active individuals and groups within the Hogsback community have responded to their needs and we will be joining forces with them to bring about even more positive change.

Linzi Thomas thanking the children of Crabbush  and explaining that MylifE and Heart Space will be spending lots more time with them, both at school and within the Hogsback community

Cutting the cake - making it official 
Receiving the cake - thank you Charly's Bakery!
... and thank you O Magazine, SA and MylifE!
It takes a village to raise a child - and we believe it takes a whole village to raise all of it's children. We will be spending time weekly with the children - reading, crafting and learning to "teta". We will also be lending our hearts and hands to maintenance and beautification initiatives while continuing to initiating programs and projects to enhance skills development, food production, recycling and community integration.

Crabbush Primary School has three classrooms to house all seven grades.
The pre-school, which caters to children between 0-6 have a separate container classroom. 

We are looking forward to sharing time and space with the children of Crabbush and getting to know the teachers better. I have the deepest respect for each of them and appreciate the opportunity to learn from them and be of service. 

If you are interested in offering your time, skills and energy to Crabbush School, or if you would like to make a donation to the upliftment of the school, please feel free to email me - thank you for being the change!

With Love,

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